The Chainlink

If the Center for Disease Control (CDC) studies/ regulates swimming pools because of their tangential relationship to disease...

... then why aren't any environmental authorities studying/regulating doorings because of their negative effects on the obvious environmental benefits of biking?

Anyone have any thoughts or their own radical (or not so radical) pro-cyclist laws they'd like to see passed?

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The safety and concern for swimmers is about the same for cyclists.

From this article:
"Only one in eight pool sites in violation due to serious health and safety are shut down."
The CDC was really just a (bad) lead-in.

My suggestion is that if someone doors a cyclist it should be an environmental ticket the same as if someone dumps waste somewhere they shouldn't. The police aren't enforcing it so let the environmental agencies enforce it, write the tickets and pursue the fines. This will also make it easier for victims to sue because once you've established liability (via an order from the environmental adjudicative body) the person can then seek redress in civil court, with the only issue being damages and not liability.
And also that biking should be an environmental concern generally. We put all this energy and effort into the "stick" which is regulating large sources of GHGs, but why not put some focus into the "carrot"- incentivizing biking. There's more than one way to reduce GHGs. Reducing GHG emissions is one of the main things environmental regulators are tasked with. Why not make bike advocacy a pillar of that, and not something simply left to NFPs and private industry?


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